GAIN Power April Virtual Career Fair

Connecting Progressive Employers and Job Seekers




GAIN Power is hosting this virtual career fair for Democratic and progressive organizations to connect with talent-seeking professional opportunities impacting democracy, elections, advocacy, and government.

Organization types that are invited to participate include: 

  • Unions and member associations
  • Democratic/Progressive Consulting Firms and Tech Companies
  • National and State Democratic Party Committees
  • Community and Issue Education and Advocacy Organizations
  • Democracy Building and Voter Education
  • Candidate and Ballot Measure Campaigns 
  • Progressive media 
Employers are invited to have booths showcasing their work, current open positions, and future employment opportunities. 

Our virtual career fairs are an excellent way for talent to network, form relationships, and learn about organizations focused on voter education, communications, social, community, and policy work that match their passions and expertise.

Organizations register for booths here.