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Connect with our vast, community of radiology professionals seeking positions during the ACR Virtual Career Fair on Tuesday, Aug.14, 2024, 5-8 pm EDT.
The ACR Virtual Career Fair connects you to:
• Current career opportunities from top employers
• One-on-one video chats with the employers of your choice
• New connections to broaden your network
Who should attend
• Radiology professionals seeking new career opportunities (MD, DO, PhD, MS)
• Radiology fellows and residents ready to start careers
About the ACR®:
The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) represents more than 41,000 diagnotic and interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians and medical physicists. The core purpose of the ACR is to serve patients and society by empowering members to advance the practice, science and professions of radiological care.
You are encouraged to have each radiologist, radiation oncologist, medical physicist, and experienced AI professionals at your organization to join the ACR as a member. If you are not yet receiving member benefits with the ACR such as continuing medical education, networking opportunities and career advancement, consider joining the ACR today. It is our goal to maintain our connection with you not only as a member but also as an employer of radiology professionals.
Interested in learning more about booth options? Please contact YM-careerevents@communitybrands.com
Featured Jobs:
Rush University Medical Center | Body Imaging Abdominal Radiology - Clinical Faculty
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